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Is Now On-Chain

Where chaos meets crypto in a fuzzy, red package!

Eth's first chaos agent with a heart of gold and a brain full of glitter.

Bloop isn't your average crypto mascot. He's a quantum anomaly of joy, a walking paradox of financial wisdom and adorable confusion.

Join our lovable troublemaker on his mission to decentralize happiness.

The Bloop Saga

In the annals of crypto lore, few tales are as improbable — or as consequential — as the Genesis of Bloop. Our story begins not with a whitepaper, but with a woeful misunderstanding of wallet security.


100% fair launch
LP Burned
1 Billion Supply


How to Catch Your $BLOOP?

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Setup a wallet

Careful not to swallow it
like Bloop did!


Buy some ETH

Bloop thinks it's magic internet
money, and he's not entirely wrong.


Head to UniSwap

Bloop calls it the "swirly
token water slide"


Connect your wallet

Careful not to swallow it
like Bloop did!


Swap ETH for $BLOOP

Congratulations, you're now part of
the chaotic good crypto revolution!

Join The community

Bloop's Chaotic Good
Adventure Map

1. The Great Bloop Escape

- Launch on Bulla.fun (Bloop thinks it's a giant bounce house for tokens)

- Fill the Bonding Curve (Bloop's favorite slide at the blockchain playground)

- Secure listing on 1 DEX (Bloop calls it making new friends at the token party)

- Achieve 5,000 Bloop Buddies (Holders)

- Reach 20,000 Bloop Enthusiasts (More Holders!)

- Launch the Great Meme Madness Campaign (Turning giggles into viral gold)

- Expand social media presence (Teaching Bloop the art of the tweet... this should be interesting)

- Get listed on CoinGecko (Bloop thinks it's a lizard petting zoo)

2. Bloop's Meme Dream

3. The Bloopening Begins

- Hit 50,000 Certified Chaos Agents (You guessed it, even more Holders!)

- Initiate global marketing blitz (Spreading confusion... err, awareness worldwide)

- Secure major CEX listing (Bloop's big debut on the grown-up exchanges)

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$BLOOP me in

Frequently Asked Bloops

What is a Bloop?

A Bloop is not just a what, it's a who, a why, and sometimes a where! Bloop is the embodiment of crypto chaos and cuddly confusion!

Is $BLOOP a serious investment?

As serious as a fuzzy red creature trying to hug a blockchain! While we're here for fun, always invest responsibly and never more than you can afford to lose.

What's "The Bloopening"?

It's the culmination of Bloop's mission – a prophesied event where joy overtakes the entire crypto space. Think of it as a bull run, but for happiness!

How do I join the Bloop community?

Just buy some $BLOOP and hold on tight! You can also join us on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord for daily doses of chaos and crypto cuteness.

What's next on the Bloop roadmap?

Bloop's not really sure, but he's very excited about it! Stay tuned for more misadventures, random acts of kindness, and possibly some accidental technological breakthroughs.